Calm parent and child thinking calm thoughts

Do you find yourself getting angry with your kids all the time?

You are caught in a vicious circle and need to break the cycle. Regular conflicts lead to stress, fatigue and the whole family being unhappy with the outcome.

If this sounds like you then try these simple exercises, it might help to try the following:

Try and find time to self talk or talk to your partner, friend or family member. If you are not familiar with self-talking, this is literally ‘self-dialogue’ – an example might be saying to yourself ‘I will stay calm and we will talk this through’. It’s hard when you have a 4 year old screaming at you but it CAN be done.

Self talk both before escalation and during conflict with your children, ask yourself:

  1. Why am I getting angry?
  2. List the reasons why – you might be surprised to find that they include some not related to your children!
  3. Think about how to address the root cause through replacing negative thoughts with positive ones and using these to positive self talk ‘in the moment’

You will be amazed by how when you stop reacting with anger, it changes the behaviour of others around you.