Reject distractions that take you away or further from positive reality.
The world we live in is designed to constantly distract us, it is not in the corporate or political interest to look up.
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller
The Circle Of Distraction:
Tips to deal with each distraction:
Negative people – negative people can drain you, try and help them towards positivity when you can but also surround yourself with positive people.
Read some further tips on dealing with negative people.
Constant phone checking – try phone free time where your phone goes in a draw; Limit yourself to checking your phone at certain times
Work (with no breaks) – have clear goals for work; Make sure you take regular breaks; Learn to accept when enough work is enough
Constantly checking the news – when the news comes on the radio simply turn it down; Pull news to you rather than have it pushed on you.
Read some further tips on constantly checking the news.
Regular excessive drinking – set limits to how much you will drink in a night (e.g. one glass of wine; 2 beers); Try not to hard stop, think discipline not abstinence; Get to the root cause of why you are drinking to get drunk; Try and substitute with non-alcoholic alternatives (there are some amazing options on the market now); Think about different places to meet and socialise other than the pub
Read some further tips on regular excessive drinking.
Bingeing on boxsets – many popular series are negative in their content, this can lead to stress as well as enjoyment; Try to regulate how many episodes you watch, perhaps limiting to one at a time is a good start
Bingeing on bad food – try and substitute with healthy alternatives; Get to the root cause of why you are eating to excess
Constant coffee – regulate the amount of cups in a day; Try drinking decaf; Think about different places to meet and socialise other than the coffee shop
Read the full Reality Manifesto.